About – A gateway to OpenRoaming
eduroam is a member of the Wireless Broadband Alliance (WBA) and a member of the OpenRoaming federation service.
Why eduroam and OpenRoaming?
OpenRoaming is a global roaming Wi-Fi network with similar technologies, but different focus than eduroam. While eduroam is for the Research and Education community and operated by those organisations, OpenRoaming is accessible to all and operated by third parties unrelated to R&E, often commercial, found at places of public interest (shopping malls, stadiums …)
The eduroam infrastructure enable easy OpenRoaming participation for all eduroam participants. Open roaming is optional add-on. Any eduroam providers can participate as equivalent roles in eduroam.
In any case, where both eduroam and OpenRoaming are available, the connection to eduroam will get priority.
Do you want to know more?
→ For more information about OpenRoaming, visit https://wballiance.com/openroaming/
→ For more information about eduroam and OpenRoaming, visit https://eduroam.org/eduroam-openroaming-end-user-information/
How to benefit?
eduroam Identity and Service Providers
Additional technical set-up are mandatory to enable support for OpenRoaming. The configuration instructions are provided on the eduroam wiki.
eduroam end-users
Your eduroam user account can be used on a subset of OpenRoaming hotspots, under three main conditions.
- Your eduroam identity provider requested for and configured the OpenRoaming add-on.
- You have recently downloaded your configuration program for eduroam such that it includes the OpenRoaming configuration.
- You are visiting an OpenRoaming hotspot with acceptable service parameters.